This guide is a member of a little known sect of medieval christianity. He impressed me with the name Brother Paulus (which I take to be Latin). He wasn't always a monk, in his early life he was a warrior (hence the unusual alignment of his nose and lips as a result of too many fights. Although he had a strong faith he didn't judge others harshly if their faith wasn't as strong or had not come to the same understanding as him, believing all would find their own way to god.
He is drawn to you because you have had fight many battles, both internally and externally to arrive at your understanding of spirit. (he tells me your early life teens/early twenties was somthing of a mine field), but despite this you do not judge others harshly, believing that they will find their own pathway to spirit eventually.
You will be aware that this guide is drawing closer to you, by the fact that your inner resolve, whch was also strong and has grown much stronger in recent weeks. He is aware you have a number of battles ahead in the very near future and will be their to offer guidance and support (he didn't say whether these were earth battles or spiritual ones). He says at least one of them will come to an end in an unorthodox way and may well lead to a partial solution to others. I hope this reading makes sense to you.